fix bug where resting voltage of adjustable power supply can be low enough to trigger undervoltage protection of voltage multiplexer IC.fix bug which can cause CAN receive buffer overruns during large ISO15765 transfers.(no changes other than new firmware payload).fixed bug in Subaru K-line reflashing that did not initialize the parity mode of the vehicle interface, causing errors if the interface had previously been used with odd or even parity.fixed error that limited data type to 4 bytes in size (doubles and bloblists can be bigger).

this allows ROMs of the same version to be shared amongst users without refusal-to-flash errors.

allow unique ID data in Subaru CAN ROM protected area to be different without requiring this area to be reflashed (which is not allowed).add some retries to kernel reads, instead of failing.actively pull up OBD pin 9 when communicating with HC16 Subarus to avoid reflash mode initialization problems on some EDM models.fix programming voltage warning errors in Subaru HC16 kernels.up to Generic2048K, including all powers of 2, plus many other common sizes. add many generic memory models to allow support for arbitrary ROMs from ECUs that EcuFlash has no flashing support for.support for flashing H8/539FA processor (e.g.