Verbalizes needs such as food, drink, andtoileting.ħ0125 RBRTSN 501-546 r3k.ps 7/5/02 1:49 PM Takes off shoes and other clothing can unzip. Recognizes self in mirror.Refers to self by name.Hugs and kisses.Throws temper tantrums.Loves to help put things away.Imitates adult activities.Initiates play. Shows emotions such as affection, joy,fear, anger, and jealousy. Takes first steps.Walks alone without help.Stands without support.Walks backwards.Walks upstairs using one hand.Jumps using both feet.Pulls and pushes toys.Throws a ball with overhand motion Holds brush with whole hand.Drinks from a cup without help.Begins using a spoon.Places round objects into holes. Turns pages (two or three at a time).Turns doorknobs.Throws small ball.Scribbles, paints with large movements, Stacks three objects, such as blocks,in a tower.

Mine, me.Uses the word no frequently to voice Speaks first words.Able to speak 50 meaningful words toĬommunicate.Identifies and names simple objects.Uses gestures to enhance communication.Indicates possession by using words Requests.Explores the environment.Acts like “little scientist.”Matches simple objects. Names simple objects.Listens to and follows commands and

Imitates adults through actions andwords. Holds bottle.Feeds self finger foods.Holds cup with two hands needsĪssistance to drink from it.Cooperates with being dressed. Smiles spontaneously.Discriminates between familiar peopleĪnd strangers.Responds to own name.Understands words no-no.Imitates simple actions of others. Walks along furniture, using both hands.Stands without support. Lifts head.Turns from side to side rolls over.Sits with back straight and head steady.Able to self up into a standing position, then Puts objects in mouth.Uses pincer grasp.Shifts objects between hands.Drops objects picks them up. Reaches for objects grasps and playswith them. Often using repetition.Begins to imitate sounds.Begins to use intonation for meaning. Responds using variety of sounds.Capable of vowel and consonant sounds, Looks for hidden objects.Listens to and follows simple directions.Ĭries, babbles, and coos.Looks at speaker when spoken to and Places toy in and takes toy out ofcontainers. Looksdirectly at faces and responds togestures. Skills Birth to 12 Months One Year to Two Yearsįollows moving object with eyes.